Friday, May 25, 2007




29 MAY 2007, 19:00-21:00 h

Künstlerhaus Bethanien

Clubraum, 3rd floor

(Talk and discussion will be held in ENGLISH, admission is free)

Künstlerhaus Bethanien will host a talk by Adnan Yildiz to update
Berlin audiences about the next Istanbul Biennial.

Istanbul/Stockholm based curator Adnan Yildiz will give a talk about
the coming projects, "nightcomers" and "BFB" in which he is involved
as a co-curator. Both projects will take place during the forthcoming
Istanbul Biennial (September, 2007).

"nightcomers" is one of the night programme projects of the 10th
International Istanbul Biennial, perhaps the most somnambulist. The
conceptual structure of the project was based on the concept of
"dazibao" used by Hou Hanru in reference to wall-mounted posters
produced by the public during the Chinese Revolution. Video screenings
selected by a young curatorial team (Pelin Uran, Ovul Durmusoglu,
Borga Kanturk, Marcus Graf, Adnan Yildiz), will be shown throughout
the night in the streets, with the aim to reach a bigger audience than
the Istanbul Biennial does in the daytime.

Adnan Yildiz will also speak about an independent project that will
also take place in September 2007 and will be realized in
collaboration with Esther Lu: "BFB/ Big Family Business", can be
defined as "an open office for everybody". BFB is designed as an open
structure for everybody to be engaged into the discussions and events.

Yildiz invites the audience to an intensive discussion about the
cultural bridges between the two brother/sister cities, Berlin and

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Künstlerhaus Bethanien GmbH
Mariannenplatz 2
D-10997 Berlin
Tel. +30-616 90 315
Fax +30-616 90 330

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